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Your health is your greatest asset and therefore, it is essential to care for you and your family’s health. Unfortunately, most people do not value health until sickness comes along and with the rising cost of hospitalization and medical treatment, one needs financial security in times of medical emergencies. Health insurance provides sufficient coverage in such instances.

What is health insurance?

It is an insurance policy that covers the medical expenses of the insured and in return, the insured is required to pay a fee known as “premium”. Depending on which policy you opt for and who provides it, health insurance protects you by covering treatment expenses, hospitalization charges, ambulance costs, laboratory costs and other related expenses for example CIC health insurance policies. The main aim of health insurance is to reduce out of pocket health care payments that increase the financial burden of a household.

Below are some of the benefits of health insurance;

  • Reduced financial pressure

Medical costs in the country are rising dramatically and getting sick is stressful by itself. In case of an emergency, you could end up spending all your savings on medical treatment. Having a health insurance policy ensures that you have financial support in times of emergency.

  • Peace of mind

Above everything else, having a well-planned insurance policy is a great relief in unforeseen medical treatments. It can save you and your family in times of medical emergencies and takes away a load of worries from the insured.

  • Cashless treatment or reimbursement

Health insurance companies have partnerships with certain health care providers which allows you to avail cashless treatment or hospitalization if you are insured. The insurance company settles the bill directly with the hospital saving you the time and additional paperwork. In case you wish to get treated at a hospital that is not part of the insurer’s network, the insured is required to pay the bill first, which the insurer then reimburses. This is done when the insured files for a reimbursement claim by submitting original receipts and required documents to the insurer.

  • Additional benefits

When you buy a health insurance policy, you will receive several additional benefits like ambulance coverage, coverage for a health checkup, vaccination expenses, coverage for daycare surgeries and more.

Nowadays, a health policy has become a necessity due to the wide range of benefits it offers. However, do not buy a policy in a hurry. Carry out some research and compare different health insurance covers offered by different insurers.

He who has health has hope, and he who has hope has everything” ~ Thomas Carlyle

For any enquiries about health insurance, feel free to call us on 0703099120 or email us on


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