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The right to education is guaranteed in the Constitution of Kenya, 2010 under Article 43 (1). All children deserve quality education that will lay a foundation for a bright future. CIC Foundation is a corporate social responsibility (CSR) arm of CIC Group. Founded with a vision to transform lives, the foundation focuses on supporting bright and needy students in Kenya by offering high school scholarships to children from a co-operative background.

CIC Foundation’s commitment to education arises from a deep-rooted belief that knowledge is the most potent tool for empowerment. As an equalizer that bridges the gap between the rich and the poor, education gives the underprivileged an opportunity to thrive and change the living standards in their community. By investing in the education of children from underserved communities, the foundation is not only nurturing individual potential but also contributing to the development of a society as a whole.

The foundation’s scholarship program is thoughtfully designed to ensure that the students receive a holistic education. Using CIC Group’s branch networks in various parts of Kenya, CIC Foundation collaborates with schools to assist in promoting education opportunities to the students enrolled in the scholarship program. Additionally, the foundation offers personal effects such as uniforms and textbooks paid in the first year.

Our impact

Launched in 2016, CIC Foundation has supported 133 students to access quality public secondary schools across the country. This year, the foundation gave 22 high school scholarships to students from a co-operative background, who completed their primary education but were unable to pursue secondary education due to financial constraints.

Currently, CIC Foundation has one sponsor which is CIC Group. Once the initiative gets other well-wishers and sponsors, it will be able to touch more lives in the communities in which we operate.

In conclusion, CIC Foundation’s dedication to sponsoring the education of children from less privileged backgrounds is a commitment to its vision of creating a brighter, more empowered and equitable world.


“Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.”- Nelson Mandela

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